I'm working on a new blinkie about this blog for my sig in the various forums I frequent. I've also figured out how to make this a 3 column blog. So as soon as I get my slideshows made I'll be adding them to left side here.
I got my new Wacom Graphire 4x5 tablet today. Plugged it in & it seems to be working fine. I hope to be able to do some real experimenting with it sometime this week. But I need to get a USB multi-port hub first. I have a camera, Ipod, 2 scanners, digital mouse & now the tablet, all fighting for the 2 USB ports on my PC.
I have completed 2 quick page sets for 1hourscrap & have them uploaded. I've got a 3rd done but its still in PSP format & I know what I want for the 4th set & with luck I will have both uploaded by tomorrow night. (Got sidetraked by first the site blinkie & then the 3 column issue or I would be done). Then I just have to do the 3 word art pieces.
I need to work on the posting prize for Thursday's Mommy's Choice Crop.
We're having gnocci with pesto for dinner. It's not on the menu but I saw it in the grocery store today & felt a desire for it. DH loves gnocci & it is such a pain to make from scratch..I once again forgot to get ground beef.
These are the 2 quick page sets I have just uploaded. They are available at www.1hourscrap.com
Warm Dots
Cool Dots