Saturday, January 09, 2010

Scrapbook Saturday

Journal Your Christmas final pages

I finished the 7th! Go me! I was running 3-4 days behind most of the month & sort of assumed it would be 15th or so before I started working on the cover. Which is fine and I actually did not mind that. But Monday I decided I wanted to get it wrapped up before Saturday. I start back to work next week & the kids have half days & 4 day weekend as well next week. So this is the last time I have all day to scrap. I managed 2-3 layouts a day & completed the front & back covers along with the last prompt on the 7th.

I think it may be a couple weeks or so before I feel like scrapping again. 

I always enjoy making the pages but am also so relieved when it is over. Don’t have to do *that* again for another year!

Here are some of my last pages.



jyc 31a





The back & front cover.


jyc coverbjyc coverf

I have all the pages uploaded to VioVio & Inkubook. I just need to decide which I want to use. I’ve printed books with both of them in the past & the prices & quality are similar. Viovio is shinier paper. I suppose I’ll go with the first one with a decent coupon .