Monday, June 21, 2010

Potluck Monday


I drank a lot of wine this weekend, so random is really good for me today. I’m not hung over or anything, just sort of weary in that you spent the weekend drinking alcohol in the hot sun way of being weary.


DH was on site all week. Meaning he left the house at 6:30am and came home around 10p. Dinner was soup and sandwiches with your choice of raw broccoli or raw carrots.

All week long.

It’s hot and my most appreciative eating audience was absent so my effort level was absent too


boysThe boys want super hero capes. Mayhem had a Batman cape I made him out of a small black triangle shawl, but Friday he decided he wanted to have pointy ends like Batman’s & rather than asking me for help & he took some scissors to it with predictable results. So we found some fabric yesterday & this week I’m going to make him a pointy Batman cape & Havoc a Robin cape




I’m still sorting apps for my Droid phone. I download 4 or 5 apps that do the same thing & the fiddle with them & delete all but one. Unless I forget to delete them & then two days later can’t recall which one I wanted to keep. The double Twist music software was working fine but now it never wants to sync up right & that is beyond irritating right now. If I have to use Windows Media Player I am going to scream. I loathe Media Player



The ever changing pile of chick lit mysteries is still going. I’ve been lucky with most of my choices. The only real dud series for me so far has been the Hannah Swenson series by Joanne Fluke. The first book was good, but I have come to hate or at least seriously dislike most of the characters by book 5 and have given up on it. I have a whole review post on them I hope to get up soon. But I’m loving the Meg Langslow series by Donna Andrews



Ever wish you could just reach into the pages of a novel and throttle someone? I’d have been committing fictional homicide right & left this week were it possible. And I think I could get off on an insanity plea where Amelia Peabody is concerned. Why her family hasn’t bumped her off is beyond me.




The word jar has given me slatternly as the word this week. It means being slovenly, dirty or untidy & is usually applied to women.

I don’t know how I am going to manage to use it in a sentence & remain friends with anyone. But we’ll see how creative I can be.


Thanks Holly for hosting Potluck!