I've got nothing for a post. Nothing but a rant about how I don't want to get a dog, but repeated attempts to make it sound less vehement & hostile have failed so I am not sharing it. I'm not hostile about not wanting a dog, I just don't want one, but I can't seem to get that across in writing without sounding like some malevolent dog hater. I like dogs. I just don't want one.
So instead I've decided to make this an "ask Stacey" post. Specifically it's an 'ask a witch' post. Go on, ask me anything about wicca or witchcraft you want. It's close to Halloween, all sorts of things are out there in the bloggy world both pro and con about modern day witchcraft. I'm sure some of you have read stuff that have made you think "I wish I knew an actual witch to ask about that." Here is your chance. Ask me anything witchy related and sometime next week I'll post an answer.
It can be anything - How did you get into the Goddess thing? Are you all naked & having sex with each other? Can you cast a love spell for me? I heard you worship trees. Is that true? How about the Devil? Do you really have a black cat? Can you fly on a broomstick, have a pointy hat, a wart? Do you weigh more than a duck? What's with witches and newts anyway?
And if no one has any questions then I'll probably just do a random post about Samhain, what it means to me and how I celebrate it when there are no organic newts available locally.:)
Disclaimer - the thing about witches and pagans in general is, we have no central tenants of faith or authority. I do belong to a coven but what my coven does & believes may be rather different from another coven. And what I personally believe & do is occasionally different from the members of my coven. So the answers you are getting are my take, not the Official Wiccan Line, because there is no such thing.