Saturday, May 22, 2010

It’s a blog hop!

A couple of weeks ago my friend Mel at I Speak Melsh signed up for an All About Me class at Big Picture Scrapbooking. It’s a free class. She thought it might be fun if a bunch of us took the class too and then posted out projects online.

I checked the class out.

It’s paper.

I’m digi.

I am always reluctant to confront my nemesis – The Scissors. I’m even more reluctant when it’s likely to involve his sidekick Mod Podge and his little glue stick minions.

I lack basic kindergarten craft skills. Give me a computer program of any sort and I am all over it. Scissors and glue are much too complicated for me.  Last time I had the Mod Podge out I glued my pants to my leg, then glued the cutting board to the desk.

Plus, I didn’t understand the instructions for making the fold out album. It seemed fraught with peril.

So I thought maybe I’ll just do a single page or turn the project into a couple pages for the AAM album I am working on all year.

Then I remembered I owned a Maya Road layered chipboard album. I had bought a couple of them a year or so ago in a fit of optimism. I wanted to make DH a Father’s Day gift. That would be the aforementioned Mod Podge incident.

But leaving aside the glue issue it was a fairly straightforward assembly. Create the pages in PSP, print them, cut them out & glue them. I’d used a box cutter & ruler instead of scissors. This could work again.

I am 75% more likely to cut a straight line with a box cutter & ruler than with The Scissors.

I am also 75% more likely to cut myself with a box cutter & ruler than with The Scissors but with all the Mod Podge everywhere, probably it would stop any bleeding and seal the wound.

So I pressed on. I used Eva Kipler’s Annabella kit. Available at Sweet Shoppe Designs.


There are rounded corners, so I can’t escape The Scissors entirely. One of the reasons The Scissors are my nemesis is I can never find the damn things when I need them. There are at least 5 pairs of adult sized, long pointy scissors somewhere in my house and several small embroidery scissors but when I need to cut something the only pair I seem to find are kiddy safety scissors I can barely get my fingers around.


Then I glued them to the chipboard with the Mod Podge. I also glued the brush to the sanding block and later glued two of my fingers together.


Because I would fail arts & crafts class in kindergarten, I cleverly disguised my cutting & gluing inadequacies by sanding down all the edges and then over the tops, for that ‘deliberately scuffed & worn’ look.


I couldn’t decide on one quote so I put one on each page.


Then dug out some photos I thought went well with them and told facts about me





The dinos insisted they be included.


On the back is my favorite poem Desiderata.

All in all I am pleased with it.

If you are blog hopping your next stop is Enjoy The Ride Today!

If you are one of my regular readers & don’t know about the hop, jump over to I Speak Melsh where the hop begins. She has a list of everyone involved. Check them out. There are some really neat albums out there.

Thanks for stopping by!