Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Just putting it out there

I have a deep, abiding love for things to put things in.

I adore purses, backpacks, satchels, briefcases and messenger bags. I even like clutches though I find them useless as a portable accessory. There are great for storage but a PITA when you are out & about. I need my hands free.

So when I found this at my inner role player was in heaven

It’s a Bag of Holding!

It’s bigger on the inside!

It apparently can hold a 17” laptop even though it is only 16” long.

*I* have a 17” laptop!

It can also hold a large 3-ring binder, two college textbooks, two paperback books, Amazon Kindle, iPod, cellphone, cables, pencils, business cards, and spare batteries all at the same time.

*I* have all those things!

Granted I never carry the college textbooks because I finished my MA in 1992 but at any minute I could need to carry them. You never know when Applied Sociology vol 3 1990 Revised Ed & The History of Old English might be needed.

Probably it would be a better travel bag than day to day purse I admit, though there are times when it would be a good day to day purse.  True, less so now that I don’t have to carry diapers, wipes, sippy cups, goldfish crackers & changes of clothes. But! My camera stuff would fit wonderfully in there & could easily take the place of the textbooks.

I think it would make an awesome Valentine’s Day present. Or for St Patrick’s Day. Or the Vernal Equinox

Just saying.

And no…nobody is paying me to say it.